Letter to my children: Facetime and Fishes

Dearest Beloveds,

I am so grateful I am doing my time away from home in a world prepared by Covid to live online. Yoga classes, Facetime, therapy appointments, healings with Rob Wergin - all are accessible from my chair in my princess tower.

I am happy to be seeing you regularly (even if only in 2 dimensions) because I am hoping that way when I am home I won’t be as shocked by your 6 weeks of growth. That satisfies some parts of me that are missing you - but not all of the parts.

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Adieu my Bone Marrow, A Dieu

Adieu my dearest bone marrow. Go with God. My beautiful marrow that made my blood all of these 45 years. Carrying oxygen, carrying back CO2, finding cuts and providing scabs, regulating my temperature, bringing blood sugar so I can see again when I am blind with hunger, all of it - I am so grateful for all you have done for me. Thank you - you can rest now.

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Letter to my children: On presents

Letter to my children: On presents

Dearest Beloveds,

I want to share these anecdotes with you for two reasons. Primarily when I write them down I get to relive my joy. Additionally I savor the stories of my childhood that I have been told. Despite the potential for teasing as they are shared in the years to come - I think they are wonderful, uplifting, amazing. These personality nuggets make up you as you - glorious, unique, and inimitable you. They are treasures because you are treasures.

About a week before Christmas both of you became concerned that you wanted to give gifts.

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Letter to my children: On deep breathing (how consciousness is really listening to the Voice of Love)

My dearest Beloveds,

First let me say this. It makes your Momma very happy when the fingers pointing the moon are pointing to the same moon. Moreover, the fingers are in agreement as to the best path to the moon. What do I mean by that?

I mean that the same lessons your Momma learned in Conscious Discipline match what I am learning meditating with Joe Dispenza, practicing Kundalini, listening to Rob Wergin’s latest Divine Transmission Calls, and reading Megghan Watterson’s Mary Magdalene Revealed. All of these threads in your Momma’s life are teaching me the same thing with differing nuances and details - as though each of them is coloring the same picture blindly and yet the masterpiece emerges - all colors and edges intact without a muddy mess anywhere.

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Letter to my children: On unicorns at breakfast and Schoolsteading

Dearest Beloveds,

The latest addition to our Homesteading Homeschooling life arrived yesterday. (I think I am am going to combine those into Schoolsteading - like Femivore.) The barn. The barn to house the stuff/equipment that seems to have multiplied in the not even 8 years that we have lived here. It is a glorious empty space and soon will have a gardening niche, beekeeping corner, handtool alley, heavy saw plaza, Tentrr station, and riding equipment boulevard - can’t wait.

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Letter to my children: Knock Knock Jokes and cultural handshakes

I am thrilled to report that Knock Knock jokes have entered the house. Thrilled because your Momma truly grokked a few weeks ago the true scope and heft involved in being culturally aware. It is nice to know that there are some parts of our culture that are endemic and appear easily without any work.

What do I mean by that?

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Doing plant medicine in Peru

Doing plant medicine in Peru

I imagine when most people read that sentence they will think of Ayuhuasca in the jungle - which is not too far off base if by jungle you mean your own cabin, running water, and three meals a day. I spent 18 days in “The Space that Heals”, or Hamphichicuy, right outside of Tarapoto, Peru. For the first time in years I was able to truly rest - right before the many plants I was taking chewed me up, churned me inside out, and gently placed me back on my feet.

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Letter to my children: When is the sky falling?

Dearest Beloveds,

I was recently on the phone with a social worker who told me there are a lot of resources available to have you two talk to someone about my health doings – therapists trained to talk to children about death and dying and sickness.

My current thinking on this is that until the sky falls, the sky isn’t falling.

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Letter to my children: On distractions and street signs

Dearest Beloveds,

In some respects these two subjects are related - distractions and street signs. Both of you are right now gazing beyond on a level that you hadn’t before. Watching you emerge into sentient curious aware humans with your own interactions with the wider world is honestly one of the many joys of parenthood. Thank you.

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