Letter to my Children: Hanging the Cheerleading Wall, Again

Letter to my Children: Hanging the Cheerleading Wall, Again

Dearest Beloveds,

The older I get the more it feels as though life is both a carousel and a huge onion being unpeeled.

We have the yearly carousel: holidays, birthdays, seasons. We plant seeds for winter greenery. Our bees swarm in June. Every year we split and stack and move firewood to burn in the woodstove.

We have the daily carousel. Once Baba said to me plaintively when he was in the throes of dementia, “I thought we just DID the dishes! We need to do them AGAIN?!”

“Yup Dad, every day… sometimes three times a day.”


And we have the carousel of psychological and spiritual challenges.

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Thank you Joe Dispenza

As I have mentioned in the past, I am a big fan of when all of the fingers I am called to are pointing to the same moon. This spring Rob Wergin’s transmission shared this:

Life itself can be challenging, and we keep carrying all of this luggage. All of these bags full of past habits and memories and things like that that are triggering us. Life goes in cycles and if we don’t clear these blockages they get bigger for the next cycle and the next cycle.

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Grounding into our Mother

Grounding into our Mother

About 14 years ago I purchased a “grounding sheet” for us to use to connect to the frequency of the earth. We used it until the silver fibers fell apart from the cloth and then life moved on. At the time, there was one place I could find on the internet that sold such things - and I am sure it was listed on QuackWatch.

Now you can purchase grounding bedsheets on Amazon. There are many many choices. Some of the companies also want to sell you red lights and infrared saunas. In other words, it is rabbit hole. You can purchase grounding shoes - which might augment your grounding efforts if you cannot walk around for 10-15 minutes a day barefoot.

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Sleeping Nestled In Prayers

Sleeping Nestled In Prayers

One of the fun things about being an adult - I am “allowed” to write on my bedroom walls. Wall decor is entirely my choice. And any costs associated with repair, repainting, etc are for me to bear.

Last fall I was repeating to myself over and over certain prayers from Rob Wergin. So much so, I decided to record then on my bedroom walls.

The aim was to have a constant drip of attention/awareness on those thoughts.

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Give World Peace a Hop

Give World Peace a Hop

I started practicing Transcendental Meditation in 2007. Over the years I have more or less consistent in my twice a day practice depending on hospital doings and the age of my children.

When I received my mantra I also learned about the TM-Sidhi program. It is the pinnacle of a series of advanced TM techniques - culminating in the practitioners being able to do yogic flying. A whole group of Sidhas flying together has been proved to increase coherence for the society at large.* This coherence creating effect is called the Maharishi Effect.

So it is a two-fer. I get to replug myself daily, swim in the world of Pure Consciousness, and do yogic flying. Secondly, if I do my program with a group - we are creating peace for everyone around us.

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Letter to my children: Doing what's expected

Dearest Beloveds,

In so many ways is life both AND. Your Momma is a rebel AND she is scared by not following the rules - especially medical rules and expectations. Both And.

The first time I did not do what was expected of me from the Western Medical Model was when I choose to go to Mexico for treatment.* 15 years ago I spent weeks feeling nauseous and untethered about making the decision.

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Gnostic encomium for the Mary Magdalene Revealed Retreat

Gnostic encomium for the Mary Magdalene Revealed Retreat

Here is my rooftop shout for the world to hear my encomium* for the Mary Magdalene Revealed Retreat held by the glorious Meggan Watterson. Hear me full body shouting like I did the night I merged with God.

As I have mentioned before, it makes me super happy when all of the fingers I am exploring are pointing to the same moon. Though, as I write this, I realize it is true for everyone. We all seek out that which agrees with our beliefs and create self-reinforcing loops to make ourselves feel validated. My huge ballast on this finger pointing to The Good as inside of us, as opposed to external to us, is from my own experience (see the merging above). So I am going to speak from that place, as a Gnostic.**

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My Princess Tower writing retreat time

My Princess Tower writing retreat time

When I made myself the list of what I wanted with me in my rebirthing space I did not anticipate several things. I did not realize I would feel so grateful and energized to be on my own schedule, to not be in charge of chores, or schedules, or so completely and utterly thrilled to write.

I have been in my Princess Tower for five days.

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Adieu my Bone Marrow, A Dieu

Adieu my dearest bone marrow. Go with God. My beautiful marrow that made my blood all of these 45 years. Carrying oxygen, carrying back CO2, finding cuts and providing scabs, regulating my temperature, bringing blood sugar so I can see again when I am blind with hunger, all of it - I am so grateful for all you have done for me. Thank you - you can rest now.

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