Informal Biography

I am a writer, an eater, an azalea, a permaculture devotee, a homesteader, a dog scratcher, a cat tummy rubber, a crow pose, a bathroom singer, a former farmers market manager, a Master gardener, a meditator, a wife, a sister, a momma, a believer in miracles, and I live a magical life. Whoopee!

Why an Azalea?

My grandmother, Polly Hill, named her plant introductions after members of her family.

Michael Hill is my cousin (the azalea is a well known example of the North Tisbury Azaleas).

Lousia is my aunt (her crabapple is SO graceful and elegant).

Rhododendron Kaempferi var. Leucanthum "Corinna Borden" is named after me, pictured above in the banner.

It is delicate, strong, beautiful, and an enduring gift from my grandmother, whom I miss.

(When asked, at age four, whether I preferred pink or red, I answered "PINK." As a devotee of Miss Piggy, what else could I say?).