Ode to my Princess River Tower

She brings with her colored wall hangings, music, and food.

Books, art, and love letters complete the mood.

Never anticipating, as they schlepp down the hall,

past the nurse’s station, whiteboards, and signs against falls.

The glory, the view, the space and the light

- her rebirthing room - her heart sings at the sight.

High above the East River, she watches the world.

The ever changing YES’s glory unfurls.

The seagulls soar, the tugboats press

the tramway shimmies, and cars compress.

The people stride, the water churns,

the clouds morph, and sun burns.

It took her 14 years to embrace this decision.

Yet this gift from the Universe was beyond any vision,

Any inkling, any thought, any notion of plausible

that to be reborn in the room of a princess was possible.

She sits in her tower saturated with joy,

choosing to see this gift as a ploy.

A sign from the Universe that all is well,

and the princess will thrive beyond words to tell.