Your future is now

Ataraxia is defined as equanimity, tranquility, “unperturbedness”. During my Amrit Vela Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation time I received a very obvious and yet transformational insight as to how to maintain and hold on to ataraxia. Here it is.

Your future is now.

I am sure I have heard that a million times somewhere … but it is my turn to unpack this nugget. There is only now and if you are concerned about your future or want your future to look like something, than you need to do that now.

Ready, here we go.

Glance at your watch (pay attention to the location of the second hand).

I am healthy.

I am vibrant.

I am loved.

I am loving.

I am patient.

I am abundant.

I am joyful.

I am fun.

I am feeling adventurous and frisky.


I am at peace.

I am healthy.

I am excited by life.

I am wiggling with anticipation for what this day might bring.

I am grateful for my life.

I love feeling myself breathe.

I am healthy.

I am happy.


Glance at your watch again.

SEE!!!! You nailed it! You created a future where you are feeling healthy, loved, peaceful, joyful and loving.

Rinse repeat ad infinitum.

la la la la, Happy birthday month to me, happy birthday month to me, happy birthday dear Corinna, happy birthday to me.