Letter to my children: Ego, The Cranky Monster, and Kundalini

Dearest Beloveds,

Four years ago, I wrote about the importance of spending the early morning with The Good (thank you Mary Magdalene)- and not just once in a week, but on a consistent daily basis to keep you anchored to The Good. Then I did the bone marrow transplant and all self care of that nature flew out the window.

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Ammaji = Immersed in a bath of chocolate warmth

I have never taken a bath in melted chocolate, but I imagine that it is similar sensory experience to being in Ammaji’s presence. A warm soft bath of delicious love, saturating every pore of one’s being. Warm chocolate oozing between ones toes, warm against ones knees, I would dip my head down and take a lick of my arm. The smell! Could you imagine the smell of being enveloped in warm chocolate!! 

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Sound Blows my Mind

Learning about sound during my Kundalini Yoga training blew my mind.

Therefore, without any further ado.

String theory tells us the Universe is comprised of vibrating filaments that make up the blocks that make up atoms (as far as I grok the scene). The building blocks of our entire existence/Universe/World is sound. In the beginning was the Word...


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