Homeschooling Pause

“Will I be on the same bus as Bean?”


A huge grin split Dragon’s cheeks, “Oh good!”

And I get to take all of the alphabet letters off the wall and think about how to utilize the chalkboard in a different way.

This is what I am going to miss about homeschooling:

  • Being in charge of our own schedule.

  • Watching neurons firing behind eyes I adore.

  • Reinforcing lessons with real world examples.

  • Being able to have doctor’s appointments whenever we want.

  • Snacks/Second Breakfasts during lesson time.

  • Dragon helping during the day with gardening, errands, cleaning tasks.

  • Knowing what you are being taught so I can reinforce (see above).

This is what I am not going to miss about homeschooling.

  • Having to rally for ballet/hockey/soccer doings after all day together.

I am grateful we are in a school district that is diverse with an engaged community. I am not thrilled we live in a country with lax gun laws/school shootings/timid legislators and I get to have these conversations with my children.

One day, out of the blue, Bean piped up from the back seat. “Momma, why do we have Lock Down Drills?”

Oh FUUUUCCCCKKK. “Honestly, I would rather not answer that question because once you know you can never not know. And I want to push that day off a bit farther.”

Dragon chimed in, “I think it is because there are shootings. With guns.”

“Momma, is that true? Do we do the drills because there are gun shootings?”

And, I promised to never lie. “Yes, that is true. I am sorry.” Say something else so they don’t get too scared. “Yes, the drills are to keep you and everyone in the building safe. That is why Momma is not allowed to come in to the cafeteria during chorus practice in the morning. Do you remember when that woman got so upset when I was stepping into the room?” Because I certainly remember.


“Well, that is why she was so upset. Her job is to make sure that no one comes on campus who isn’t supposed to be there.”

“But you are our Momma!”

“I know Bean, it makes no sense to me either. Sometimes people’s Cranky Monster gets so big that their common sense goes out the window.” We were all quiet as we digested this. “Or maybe there are parents who would want to hurt their children, I don’t know. I am not one of those parents.” Make a joke, change the subject. “Well, not normally one of those parents. I have not wanted to throw either one of you out of the window for years!”


“Momma!!! Do you remember when you threw my stroller off the deck?”

“Do I ever! I was NOT thinking. I was obviously in my Cranky Monster, whew.”

“You WERE!” Giggles.

So here is my prayer as my children both enter public school.

Let the Lock Down Drills remain drills. Always. For our school and for all schools. Let us get through this insane period of gun worship as quickly as possible.


*I wrote this in August and slated it to publish the second Monday of September. Never dreaming that there would be a school shooting ALREADY this academic year - and I get to read this sentence on CBS, “The deadly incident on Sept. 4 was the 218th time a gun was fired or brandished at a school so far in 2024, data shows.”