Letter to my children: Safeguarding childhood
/Dearest Beloveds,
Gone are the days of midnight feedings and chasing you around the kitchen - more physically taxing situations. Now I seem to spend a lot of time with mental situations. Where I need to figure out how much to share about the bigger world around you. It feels more and more that my job is less to tickle you and more to act as a buffer for your curiosity and fears as we enter the big world together.
Questions such as “How much does this cost?”
“Do we have enough money?”
“What are you all talking about?”
I don’t want to burden you with things like taxes and the minutea of your Mother’s health shenanigans. I also don’t want to lie to you. It is an interesting dance when you two are worried about something that I am ALSO worried about and I have to buffer in the moment. Like last summer when Dragon broke his arm and we were driving to the clinic.
“Have you been there before?”
“Nope, this is my first time.” God, I hope he is okay. Please let it not be a serious break. I hope they can help him.
“Do you know any of the doctors?”
“Again, this is my first time.” I still need to pack tomorrow to go to the beach for two weeks. How is he going to deal with having a broken arm with sand? This is SO annoying. What a pain in the ass!!
“What are they are going to do to us?”
Wow, they are really worried about this. “I don’t know. Again, I have never been there before.”
I hope he is going to be okay and it won’t be too painful whatever they need to do to him. I was in so much pain when they reset my wrist. I wonder if his wrist needs to be re….
“What is the place like? What is going to happen when we get there?“
What the FUCK?! Are they even listening to me?
Corinna, they are scared, deep breath. I took a deep breath.
“These are doctors who help people when they think they have broken a bone. We will be fine. Dragon will be fine.”
I hope Dragon will be fine.
You might wonder my beloveds, why sometimes it might feel as though your parents don’t have the same kind of energy you have for running and games. I would say that might have something to do with the safeguarding of childhood we are doing for you.
Because we love you.