Homesteading Middles: An Ode to Kaolin Clay

Oh, you microscopic shards of glass,

staving off the caterpillar’s frass,

denuded leaves forever begone!

To thee I sing this humble song.

Destroying webs did not appear

upon the many leaves this year.

Three times a-spraying was needed

to coat the leaves in kaolin sheeting.

To our delight the caterpillars fled

and went elsewhere to lay their webs.

Red and white currants, cherries too

apples, plums, and pears thank you.

When rain and hail flooded down

the kaolin’s white adhered - a gown.

Strong and resilient, simple and safe

Protecting our crops to feed this place.

Thank you whomever discovered, implemented, realized the beauteousness of kaolin clay for holistic orchard management. Huge shoutout from a belly full of red currants.