Letter to my children: Stuff

Dearest Beloveds,

The time feels right to write down certain words that I say - often.

“No, we don’t need to buy a new stuffy/dress/bike/toy/book/candy/shoes/shirt/pen. I understand you might want X, but you do not need X.”

“But Momma! Why?!”

“Because it is a waste of resources/polluting our planet/because your Cranky Monster thinks you will be better because stuff makes it feel it is enough/we have enough/you are enough/you don’t need it/all you need are clothing, shelter, and your health/we have all we need/be grateful for what you have.”


“If you want a different answer, ask a different question.”

I must say, I don’t know where this phrase first landed in my brain. But I really like it. It is succinct, direct, and has nice symmetry of form. It almost feels like it could be a poem.

Children, the poem.

If you want a different answer

Ask a different question

Said the rabbit to the bear

But where? said the bear.

Exactly there, said the hare

But why not? said the cub

Ahha! That is the rub!

The part of you that wants and wants and wants some more

Is the part that doesn’t believe you are enough as you are

Leave fads aside, reuse and make do

Notice the ephemeral glow of the new

The signs all point to our unsustainable culture

Sucking and draining resources like vultures

Regardless of possessions, you are worthy

Regardless of achievements, you are beloved

Regardless of comparisons, you are enough

Find the font of Love inside

Speak from The Good and never hide

Aching over a new set of shoes

Pales when you can bring your Love to a world full of blues