Letter for my children: Face Masks and Bicycles

Today is day 48 of our staying at home. Holy Bajooley children.

Not surprisingly after 48 days, we have found our routine - and honestly I think you two have never been happier. Partly due to the home projects that have been plentiful this Spring, mostly due to the abundance of parental time and attention that has been showered onto you both. We split our wood in late March this year instead of waiting for May (a good learning for next year). Your father has decided to keep bees, so we have spent a great deal of time prepping/painting the boxes. We are already set up as homeschooling peeps, so I just started teaching the Bean to read (shoutout to this book, love it!). Today’s story with a picture was about a ram eating seeds - and, Bean, you nailed it.

Your father is working at 65%, even the weekends when he is on call, there is no elective surgery so there are very few patients to visit. There is no where to go except to watch the road construction happening in the village - which we were able to do without masks as of two weeks ago. I am not sure about going and watching them with you all wearing masks.

Last week we went to the pediatrician together and all of us were wearing masks. Bean, you were initially intrigued and then appeared oblivious to it. Dragon, you were not interested in this floppy obstruction in front of your nose and mouth - understandably. “Momma, why are we all wearing masks?”

“To keep everyone safe.”

“Momma, when will the sickness be finished?”

“Nobody knows my love. Nobody knows.”

The two of you have had your bicycles since last year. Bean, you have one that we took the pedals off of so you could learn to balance. Dragon, you have a balance bike. At the beach last year we found a underutilized handicapped ramp and the two of you would go up and down and up and down and up and down the ramp again and again into the town hall parking lot by the playground.

Emboldened by your successes on the pavement you continued to go up and down our gravel drive when we got home. Again and again and again and again.

Your father and I realized that it might be time for the two of us to purchase bikes for ourselves for the first time in, woah, twenty years. So that happened last weekend (today is Thursday). Bean, two days ago, you pedaled while balancing - fully bicycling uphill and down. “Momma, you showed me how to do it! The pedaling.”

I hope our road is long enough to keep you two entertained on bikes for the rest of the summer. I don’t know what is going to happen with playgrounds and activities, but I think that there will be a lot of pedaling in everyone’s future.

On non-pedaling days, we can put on our rain gear (like today) and weed goodies to feed the chickens. The greenhouse should arrive in late June and then once we put it together we will have all sorts of options. “Can I dig in the soil?”

“Of course, Dragon.”

“Can I be naked?”

“All summer long, I promise.”

The big sister interjects, “Dragon, you don’t want to be naked in the wintertime. You would get cold.”

“Thank you Bean.”

Dragon, you change the subject. “Momma, can I have some dried mango?”

“Of course my love.”

Thank you Universe for bicycles, dried mango, land to run around, healthy bodies, healthy children, and Springtime springing. Thank you children for reminding me every day how incredibly blessed I am - my two miracle babies - miracles of science and God together. I love you.