Thank you Joe Dispenza

As I have mentioned in the past, I am a big fan of when all of the fingers I am called to are pointing to the same moon. This spring Rob Wergin’s transmission shared this:

Life itself can be challenging, and we keep carrying all of this luggage. All of these bags full of past habits and memories and things like that that are triggering us. Life goes in cycles and if we don’t clear these blockages they get bigger for the next cycle and the next cycle. So that includes everything in your body that is energy. These energies will repeat and increase as they go forward. If you look at what has been happening with our generations - our children are dealing with increased energy because we have not allowed ourselves to clear. Be grateful for what is happening.

Being compromised by old lineages, old memory patterns, old habits. Being in your truth, power, trust and belief you are in your heart - connection to the Universe and Mastery of your own healing.

Your breath is your connection to the Divine. Imagination is the path to manifestation.

I love that phrase - imagination is the path to manifestation. And then, I love even more that Joe Dispenza has meditations that literally guide you through the process of such.

Especially his latest morning meditation. I cannot get enough of it - but that is not really sufficient to show my excitement and devotion. I love it enough to force myself to get up before my 5 am TM time. Which means my alarm is set for 4. Which means my brain shuts down at 8 pm and ideally I would be asleep every night by 8:30. Which means also that I am learning to go to bed with my children instead of after them and I foresee a time in the not so distant future when they might be putting me to bed.

One of the things Housel wrote about in The Psychology of Money is that pessimism is much more attractive to our culture than optimism. We are all Chicken Little in certain respects - expecting the sky to fall. I don’t know if it is because we are carrying around this baggage from the past of when the sky did fall (see above) and we don’t want to be disappointed.

For so much of human history the sky did fall. Dragon told me this recently, “Momma, a lot of people got beheaded.”

What in the world? “I am sorry?”

His Horrible Histories: Measly Middle Ages Yoto card Corinna. You bought it for him. “Is this from your Middle Ages card?”


Humans have a terrible history (and a terrible now) of being very awful to each other bodies. The list is horrific (there are over 50 listed tortures on the Wiki list of Methods of Torture including necklacing, rat torture, and forced circumcision). Many of these were done in public as deterrents.*

From what I understand, energetically the perpetrator and the victim are both tortured. No wonder we think the sky will fall. The past (and now) tells us exactly that.

The sky has been falling for a long time and somatically we are still reinforcing and feeding those energies, or as Joe Dispenza says in this post, Let Your Past Life be a Past Life:

So if you wake up in the morning and start to think about your problems, the moment you think about the memory of that problem, you’re thinking in the past. Since each memory has an emotion associated with it, the moment you feel that emotion, the body is now in the past. Because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body, now your brain and body are completely in the past. As a result, when you feel unhappy, frustrated, sad, or deflated from the memories of your problems, your body doesn’t know the difference between the real life event or the memory that is creating those emotions. Thus, if those negative emotions are driving your thoughts, and you can’t think greater than how you feel, you are thinking in the past. As your feelings become your means of thinking, you create more of your past.

Dispenza has created a community of people who talk about love and healing and faith and miracles as high probabilities. Let’s clear those blockages and imagine ourselves a better future.


*Dan Carlin would be the first to agree with me.