Hic sunt dracones

Apparently, the more frequently used phrase during the Medieval era was “hic sunt leones,” to denote areas on a map that were considered unchartered territory. Off the map. Beyond that which was known. There is one extant example of “hic sunt dracones” - “here there are dragons” from 1504 CE. I am going to use that one.

When I checked in for the Bone Marrow Transplant, they very kindly gave me a schedule of what medicine I would receive what day, color coded, each day clearly demarcated, the two days of receiving cells from my donors highlighted in a different color.

Then nothing. Hic sunt dracones.

Uncharted territory that is totally dependent upon each individual to manifest and navigate as a personal quest into the unknown.

Fevers? Fever visions?

Hic sunt dracones.

Learning how to vomit around an oxygen tube?

Hic sunt dracones.

Sitting on a portable commode in the middle of my princess tower?

Hic sunt dracones.

Learning what IV nutrition looks like, IV platelets, IV blood transfusions?

Hic sunt dracones.

Negotiating with my belly, “please don’t vomit up my pills, I will just need to take them again, deep breaths body.”

Hic sunt dracones.

Often unchartered areas of maps change and alter us in ways beyond the physical - into the realm of Spirit and Vision. The dragons leave crumbs to follow once back in the land of the known. Crumbs that can show up in unexpected and myriad ways.

Hic sunt dracones. The same dragons live in all feats of extreme physical duress - to push us into new levels of Spiritual awareness and insight.

Plant medicine, cold sheets, sweat lodges - myriad manifestations of the same idea. How do you find your dragons?